ARTICLE I Name, Location, Purpose, and Function
1.1. Name: The name of the association is FLORIDA TURKISH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, Inc. (FTAA).
1.2. Principle office
With the permission of the FTCF, FTAA principal office shall be Florida Turkish Center (Florida Turk Evi)
located at 3020 NE 32nd Ave. No: 123, Fort Lauderdale FL 33308
1.3. Function: The Association is a nonprofit public benefit organization organized under Florida NonProfit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes. FTAA is organized to be
compliant for Federal Tax Exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or
the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). FTAA is not organized
for profit, and no part of its income, if any, will nourish the benefit of Members, Officers, Directors,
Members of the Audit Committee, Ethics Council, or any other committees because of their services.
1.4. Purpose: The purpose of the Association includes but is not limited to the following: to increase,
improve, and promote public knowledge and understanding of Turkish culture, history and people; to
foster friendship and communication among the American and Turkish communities; to promote the
exchange of the arts, culture, music, and cuisine of the United States and Turkey; to provide
humanitarian assistance, and to educate the public by providing lectures and seminars in keeping with
the Turkish heritage and to teach Turkish and English language for those who need and or desire.
1.5. Seal: The Association shall have a seal, which shall be kept by the President of the Association and
the impression of which is stamped in the margin hereof, shall be the seal of the Association.
1.6. Funding: The Association may obtain funding by means of solicitation of donations, holding of
fundraising events, membership fees, as well as gifts and grants from all levels of government and
private organizations.
1.7. Facilities/Equipment: The Association may purchase or lease facilities and own equipment necessary
for its activities.
1.8. Fiscal year: The fiscal year of the Association shall be from the first day of January to the thirty-first
day of December.
ARTICLE 2 Membership
Individuals who are interested in becoming a member of the Association shall apply directly to the Board
of Directors by filling in the prescribed form. The Association does and will not discriminate against any
potential members on the basis of religion, race, creed, or color.
2.1. Qualification: Members shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
2.2. Suitability to Membership the Board of Directors shall review each application for membership
within a reasonable time from the date of submittal. If the Board of Directors does not approve an
application of a member, the exact reason(s) for its disapproval shall be conveyed to the applicant and
the applicant shall be allowed to make personal representation to the Board of Directors to plead his or
her case. If the member’s application is still not approved, membership fees that he/she paid shall be
2.3. Members in Good Standing: The amount of the dues shall be decided by a majority vote of the
Board of Directors whenever they deem necessary. The annual membership period shall be from
January 1st through December 31st. Membership dues paid during a calendar year shall be applied to
the current calendar year in which the payment is made unless the member specifically asks for it to be
applied to a year other than the current calendar year. Only the individuals who have paid the required
membership dues by December 31st of the current calendar year or any other fees or assessments in
accordance with the FTAA Bylaws shall be considered Members in Good Standing. Any member may
attend General Assembly meetings as long as he/she pays his/her dues on or before the day the General
Assembly meetings are held but the member shall not be eligible to vote on any association matters
brought to the floor including the elections during the General Assembly meetings unless the member
pays his/her membership dues by December 31st of the previous year the General Assembly meeting is
held. Those members who are eligible to vote during the General Assembly meetings including the
meeting the elections are held shall be identified with special name tags when they enter the meeting
The student membership fee and any event-discount are only applicable to the students in Master and
Doctorate degree students. (Not post-doctoral students and/or any language school students) (Adopted
on 2/20/2022)
2.4. Resignation: Any paid member can resign from membership by giving written notice to the
secretary of the Board of Directors. Membership fees shall not be refunded.
2.5. Duties and Rights of Members: Each Active Member of FTAA has the right to take part in, to vote, to
nominate, to elect and to be elected in the General Assembly meetings of FTAA. Each member who is
present at the meeting shall have a right to one vote. A family memsahib is entitled to two, one vote for
each spouse. An individual member is entitled to one vote.
a. Duties of Members: To obtain the floor before speaking. To stand when speaking, if convenient. To
avoid speaking upon any matter until it is properly brought before the board or assembly by a motion.
To keep up on the question then pending. To yield the floor to calls for order. To abstain from all
personalities in the debate. To avoid disturbing, in any way, speakers of the assembly. No member is
authorized to make a public statement on behalf of FTAA. b. Rights of Members: To offer any motion
that is germane to the organization. To explain or discuss that motion, or any matter properly before the
meeting. To call to order, if necessary. (A point of order can interrupt a speaker. It is raised to ensure
orderly procedure, particularly when there is a breach or violation of rules or bylaws, or when a member
is not speaking on the motion before the board or assembly.) To hold the floor, when legally obtained,
until through speaking.
2.6. Termination of Membership: Membership of an individual will end under the following
a. Written resignation
b. Death; or
c. Expulsion from membership. A member can be expelled on the good faith determination by the Board
of Directors, or a committee authorized by the Board of Directors to make such a determination that the
activities of a member are found to be inconsistent with or contrary to the goals and objectives of FTAA.
The expelled member’s membership member shall be refunded.
ARTICLE 3 Administration
3.1. The following are the administrative bodies of FTAA: a. General Assembly b. Board of Directors c.
Audit committee d. Ethics council
3.2. General Assembly: The General Assembly is composed of those members of the Association who
are active and in good standing. The General Assembly is the core of the Association, and every motion
shall be determined by a majority of votes.
3.2.a. The Powers and Duties of the General Assembly: The powers of the General Assembly includes but
not limited to the following:
3.2.b. Meetings: Ten percent (10%) of the voting power shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business at any General Assembly meeting. (In the Board of Directors meetings more than fifty percent
(50%) of the Board Members shall constitute a quorum). If the quorum is not present to begin the
meeting, the General Assembly meeting will be rescheduled by the Board of Directors on a date not
more than thirty days from the date of the original meeting date. The President of the Association will
accept a motion from the floor for the election of a chairperson from among the candidates to conduct
the meeting. The candidate who receives the majority of the votes will be the Chairperson of that
meeting. (The members who are in the Executive Committee cannot be nominated or elected for the
chair). The elected Chairperson then asks for a motion from the floor for the election of a Recording
Secretary and a Helper. The elected Chairperson for the meeting will conduct the meeting if the Quorum
is present. His duties will be terminated when the meeting is ended.
b.1. Regular meetings:
Regular meetings take place once in every calendar year and shall be determined by the Board of
Directors. Notice of the meeting shall be given by the Board of Directors, in writing, and will be mailed or
sent by other means such as e-mail and/or fax at least twenty-one calendar days in advance of the
meeting to each member. The execution of such notice shall be filed and maintained in the Association’s
minute book. At each Regular meeting, the following items will be on the agenda of the meeting and will
be considered:
b.1.a. Report of the Executive Committee
b.1.b Treasurer’s Financial Report
b.1.c. Audit Committee Report.
b.2. Special Meeting
The General Assembly may be called to a Special Meeting by the Board of Directors or by written
request. Reasons for this request must be submitted by one-third of the members of the Association to
the Board of Directors. Within thirty (30) calendar days of such a request, the Board of Directors will
arrange the Special General Assembly meeting.
3. 3. Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors consists of 9 board members. The eight (8) members of the 9 members Board are
elected by the membership at an election meeting. The former president who had served in the
previous term shall serve on the Board as its ninth member for a two-year term. The members of the
Board are given responsibility for transacting the business between meetings. The Board of Directors
elects, from among themselves, the members of the Executive Committee namely the President, VicePresident, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary (if needed). The president is the
chairperson of the board, or these Bylaws may give the Board the privilege of electing its chairperson if
the President announces that She or He has motion(s) to make at that meeting. The Board and the
Officers are the subordinate to the Association and must abide by Bylaw’s rulings. A quorum at a board
meeting is defined as the majority of the Board of Directors. A board member may not represent
another board member or vote on behalf of other board members during the meetings of the Board of
The Board of Directors is to be non-related. Such as spouses or first-degree relatives shall not be in the
board (Applicable on the term of 2021) -adopted on 3/23/2020
3.3.a. Powers of the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is the Association’s highest operating
body, and all decisions shall be determined by the majority of the votes of its members. In the case of a
tie vote, the President’s vote shall be the tie-breaking vote. The Board of Directors shall:
a.1. Conduct day- to-day activities of the Association.
a.2. Vote for approval of all projects and activities.
a.3. Record the minutes of meetings of all actions taken by the Board of Directors.
a.4. Coordinate and organize media, government, and community interest group activities.
a.5. Appoint and or dissolve committees.
a.6. Determine the duties of the established committees.
a.7. Purchase, sell, or lease equipment necessary for its functions.
a.8. Employ or hire such persons or contractors that it deems necessary to carry out the tasks of the
Association. The terms of the employment and rate of pay of such persons or contractors shall be
determined by the Board of Directors.
a.9. Open or close bank accounts.
a.10. Obtain funds and make payments to third parties. The signature of either the President or the
Treasurer is necessary.
a.11. Recommend to the General Assembly the amount of the annual membership dues.
a.12. Meet each month or as the board deems necessary. The President shall determine the time and
date of the meetings and arrange a special meeting if it is requested by at least two members of the
Board; and
a.13. Fill vacancies on the board. After using the two elected reserved members, if there exist vacancies
on the Board, these vacancies may be filled by the members who are selected and approved by the
Board of Directors.
a.14. Provide resources/tools that will be required by the Election Committee to perform its duties as
outlined in Section 4.6 of these Bylaws.
a.15. A reserve fund shall be maintained in a saving account. This endowment fund shall be used wholly
or partially for a temporary period and shall be refunded as soon as possible. The president with the
approval of the board may manage this fund.
The amount is to be $42,000 which is the approximate one-year expense of the association.
Applicable immediately (Adopted on 2-23-2020)
3.3.b. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors: The responsibilities of the Board of Directors are as
b.1. To govern the Association with respect to the articles of these Bylaws.
b.2. To prepare the activity reports for the General Assembly and to organize the General Assembly
b.3. when possible, to meet once a month; A majority of the incumbent directors shall constitute a
quorum at the board meetings. The Board meetings where a quorum is present, a majority vote of the
Directors attending shall constitute an act of the Board. Directors may also attend meetings by
teleconference; and
b.4. To maintain the following records:
b.4.1. Registration of all members.
b.4.2. Accounting books.
b.4.3. Minutes for all proceedings.
b.4.4. Inventory books.
b.4.5. Files of all correspondence and activity reports; or
b.4.6. Any other document required by the Bylaws or Laws of Florida.
b.5. Board of directors shall joint and actively involve at least three main activities (not Wednesday
dinners) and work as a volunteer. Applicable immediately (Adopted 2-23-2020)
3.3.c. Removal of Members from the Board of Directors:
A member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office according to:
c.1. The requirements of Article 7; or
c.2. If any member of the Board of Directors misses three meetings in a year with or without prior
consent and/or a valid reason approved by the Board. Applicable immediately (Adopted on 2-23-2020)
3.3.d. Confidentiality of Meeting Minutes:
The minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors shall not be available to the public but shall be
available to the members of the Association in accordance with the Laws of Florida.
3.3.e. Executive Committee: The President shall appoint the Vice President, which is subject to Board
confirmation. The following officers of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Board of
Directors. The elected board shall serve a two-year term. The President shall be nominated and serve no
more than one consecutive term and shall continue to serve on the Board in the following term. One
President One Vice President (shall be appointed by the elected President) One treasurer One Secretary
One Corresponding Secretary
3.3.f. Standing Committees: The following committees are the Standing Committees named by these
Bylaws to function throughout the year depending on the purpose of the Association: Membership
Committee Fund-raising Committee Budget and Finance Committee Business Assistance and Support
Committee By-Laws Committee Ataturk School Committee Festival Committee Sport Committee Public
Relation Committee Welcoming/ Appreciation Committee Turkish Center Activity Committee
3.3.g. Special Committees: Special Committees are appointed or elected at a board meeting following a
motion to perform some special tasks. The functions of these committees will cease when they
complete their assigned duties.
h. Committee Structure: Each committee will consist of a chairperson who is appointed by the president
or by the Board of Directors. The chairpersons may appoint as many helpers as needed to perform
assigned duties. At least one board member shall serve on each committee.
3.3.i. County Representatives: Board of Directors may appoint representatives for Palm Beach, Broward
or Miami-Dade counties in South Florida by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The County
Representatives positions shall be automatically vacated on the day of the elections of the new Board of
Directors until new County Representatives are appointed by the newly elected Board of Directors.
County representatives may participate in all board meetings, may make motions, may participate in the
discussion of the motion, however, they may not participate in the final voting on the outcome of the
3.3.j. Backup Representatives: If a board member cannot attend a board meeting or meetings, the
board member may recommend a person (Backup Representative) to represent the board member at
the board meetings provided that the Backup Representative is approved by a majority vote of the
Board of Directors in advance. An approved Backup Representative may represent a board member in
board meetings if and only if the board member represented by the Backup Representative is absent at
the board meeting. The Board of Directors may decline to approve a Backup Representative without
giving a cause. Once approved by the Board of Directors, Backup Representatives shall have the same
privileges and responsibilities as the elected members of the Board of Directors. All rules and regulations
in the bylaws applicable to elected board members shall also apply to Backup Representatives. A board
member may relieve his/her Backup Representative from his/her Backup Representative position at any
time without giving any cause. The Board of Directors, by a majority vote, may remove him/her from the
Board at any time without giving a cause. The Backup Representative positions, if any, shall be
automatically vacated on the day of the elections of the new Board of Directors.
3.3.k. FTAA Board of Directors e-mail Group:
FTAA Board of Directors may set up an e-mail group
consisted of the e-mail addresses of the board members. FTAA Board of Directors may use the e-mail
group for communication within the board members as well as making board decisions by following
Robert’s Rules of Order (with the exceptions listed in these Bylaws). The chair for the e-mail group shall
be the President. Time to time, the President may delegate this duty to another board member. A
quorum shall be considered to be present in the e-mail group at all times. Any member of the Board of
Directors may make a motion and ask for its adaption. A motion that is put to vote by the chair shall be
considered adopted as soon as the majority votes in favor of the motion and the members who have not
voted yet shall be considered to be absent from the vote. Any motion that is not adapted within 10 days
of putting the motion for a vote shall be considered to be lost.
l. Streamlined Voting: If the streamlined method (that starts with “Without objection…” or “Itiraz eden
yoksa…”) is used during voting in the Board of Directors e-mail group, the Board members shall have 3
days to raise their objections. A minimum of 3 objections is needed to block a motion from becoming
adapted at the end of the 3rd day. Minimum of 3 Board Members needs to object to block a motion
from becoming adapted at the end of the 3rd day. After receiving 3 objections, the motion put to vote
shall be considered to be lost.
3.4 Duties of the officers:
a. Duties of the President: The President will perform all duties incident to such office and such other
duties as may be provided in these bylaws or as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of
Directors. The President shall preside at all board meetings and shall exercise parliamentary control in
accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
b. Vice President: The Vice President shall act in place of the President in the event of the President’s
absence, inability, or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be
required by the board
c. Secretary The Secretary will keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, will be the
custodian of the corporate records, will give all notices as are required by law or these bylaws, and
generally, will perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be
required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by these bylaws.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer will have the charge and custody of all funds of this Corporation, will oversee
and supervise the financial business of the corporation, will render reports and accountings to the
Directors as required by the Board of Directors, and will perform in general all duties incident to the
office of “Treasurer and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Information, or
by these bylaws or which may be assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors.
e. Committee members: All the committee chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President and
approved by the Board of Directors. Committee chairpersons shall be responsible for selecting
committee members. Chairpersons and members are expected to participate in Board meetings if the
agenda includes items that relate to that committee. Committee chairperson (s) and members may
participate in the discussions that relate to their committees’ work but they cannot make motions and
or participate in final voting on the outcome of the motions.
ARTICLE 4 Elections
The Board of Directors, the Audit Committee members, and the Ethics Council members shall be elected
by the General Assembly for a two-year term. Voting will be by the majority vote by secret ballot. Each
candidate will be ranked in the order of the votes he or she receives. The new Board shall commence its
duties on election day. For election-related dates, refer to the section “Duties of the Election
In case one or more chairs are abandoned during the term, the Board of Directors shall be able to invite
any good standing members and fill the chair, without going to the election, by majority votes. (Adopted
on 2-20-2022)
4.1 Board of Directors:
Eight (8) members of the 9-member Board will be elected by the Assembly. The
former president who served in the previous term shall serve on the board as its thirteen members for a
two-year term. Eight (8) individuals with the highest votes will be selected. The Board of Directors shall
elect from among themselves, the President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary shall be named. Upon the
election of the President, the President shall appoint the Vice President from the elected Board of
Directors Appointment of the Vice President is subject to Board confirmation. The president may serve
two consecutive terms if elected.
The good standing members who have their primary residence within 50 miles from the Turkish Center
at Fort Lauderdale shall apply as nominee for the board.
At least five nominees shall be elected from the Broward County. (Election committee shall arrange the
winners in such a way that five of them shall be from Broward County)
Applicable immediately (Adopted on 2-23-2020)
4.2 Audit Committee: The three candidates who were elected to form the Audit Committee shall elect,
from among themselves, a Chairperson to conduct their meetings, to monitor the financial records of
the Association, to fulfill its responsibility as outlined in Article
4.3. Ethics Council: The three candidates who were elected to form the Ethics Council shall elect, from
among themselves, a Chairperson to conduct their meetings to fulfill its responsibility as outlined in
Article.6. 4.4. Duties of the Nominating and Election Committee
4.4.a. Notify the members in good standing of the upcoming election of the Board of Directors, Audit
Committee members and Ethics Council members by mail or other means date by December 31, prior to
the election year, about the election date, set by the existing Board of Directors. The notification shall
include a blank nomination form for the Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Ethics Council
nominees. Also, notify the chairperson of the Election Committee no later than January 15 of the
election year.
4.4.b. Review and provide a list of nominees to the Board by January 15 of the election year. The
nominees shall be members in good standing and have accepted the nomination.
4.4.c. Election notice shall be mailed no later than January 31. The election will be held in the month of
4.4.d. Prepare the necessary documents related to the election
4.4.e. On the day of the election:
1. Check the list of active members and picture identification before the election.
2. Accepting nomination from the floor is not applicable.
3. Provide blank ballots to the members who are present.
4. Collect completed ballots from each member present.
5. Count votes.
6. Provide vote count to the chairperson of the meeting.
7. Voting: Each member is entitled to cast one vote. Those who are registered as family members are
entitled to one vote for each spouse. Both spouses must be present to cast their own individual votes.
Any member who is registered as an individual member shall only cast one vote for him or herself. Proxy
voting or voting by mail is allowed. There shall be no absentee voting allowed.
7.a. Eligibility to Vote: Subject to the provision of the Florida Non-Profit Public Benefit corporation law,
members entitled to vote at any meeting of members shall be Active Members in good standing as of
the record date determined by the following sections of the Bylaws referring to the record date for
determining notice and members of record.
7.b. Manners of Casting Votes: Voting may be by show hands or ballot, except that any election of the
Board of Directors must be by ballot.
ARTICLE 5 Audit Committee
5.1. Responsibilities:
Audit Committee is responsible for the monitoring of the financial records of the
Association. It is composed of a chairperson and two members; all elected by the General Assembly for a
two-year term. Voting will be by ballot or by show-hand which will be decided by the presiding
chairperson of the election meeting.
5.2 Duties of the Audit Committee: To monitor the financial records of the Association and submit an
Audit Committee report to the regular meeting of the General Assembly.
ARTICLE 6 Ethics Council
6.1 Responsibilities:
The Ethics Council is the body that examines and makes recommendations to the
Board of Directors with respect to complaints about the membership qualifications and expulsion from
membership. As well, if requested, it may act as the mediator in disputes involving members.
6.2 Duties of the Ethics Council: The Ethics Council is composed of a chairperson and two members; all
elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term. Voting will be by ballot or show-hand which will
be decided by the presiding chairperson of the Assembly.
ARTICLE 7 Removal of a Member from the Office of the Association
Complaints against the members of the Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Ethics Council, and
requests for their removal from office may be brought forward at a regular or special meeting of the
General Assembly. The General Assembly may either decide to take no action or may decide to refer the
matter to a Special Committee for investigation. The decision or recommendation(s) of the Special
Committee will take effect immediately upon approval by the General Assembly.
ARTICLE 8 Enacting, Revoking or Amending of the Bylaws
The enacting, revoking, or amending of the Bylaws may be made only by the General Assembly with the
majority of the present members voting in the affirmative.
ARTICLE 9 Dissolution of the Association
The decision to dissolve the Association may be taken only at a Special Meeting of the General Assembly
called by the Board of Directors of the Association. The resolution for dissolution must be included in
the notice of the meeting and must be circulated to the members at least thirty (30) days in advance of
the meeting date. For its adoption, the motion to dissolve the Association requires the affirmative vote
of three-quarters of members of the Association. The fate of the remaining assets, after payment of its
liabilities, shall be decided by the General Assembly in accordance with the laws of the state of Florida.
ARTICLE 10 Indemnification
Any person (and the heirs, executors, and administrators of such person) made or threatened to be
made a party to any action, suit or proceeding by reason of the fact that he or she is or was a Director or
Officer of the Corporation shall be indemnified by the Corporation against any and all liability and the
reasonable expenses, including attorney’s fees and disbursements, incurred by him or her (or by his or
her heirs, executors or administrators) in connection with the defense or settlement of such action, suit
or proceeding, or in connection with any appearance therein, except in relation to matters as to which it
shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding that such Director or Officer is liable for negligence
or misconduct in the performance of his duties. Such right of indemnification shall not be deemed
exclusive of any other rights to which such Director of Office (or such heirs, executors or administrators)
may be entitled apart from this Article.
Appendix I – Detailed duties of the officers of the Executive Board
a.) Duties of the President: The President is the chief officer of the Association. He/She shall have the
general and active management of the Association. He/She shall see that all orders and resolutions of
the Board of Directors are carried out. To preside and maintain order To explain and decide all questions
of order To announce all business To be informed on communications To entertain only one main
motion at a time and state all motions properly To permit none to debate motions before they are
seconded and stated: to encourage debate and assign the floor to those properly entitled to it. (no
member may speak twice on the same question if there are others who wish to claim the floor.) To put
all motions to vote and give result; to decide a tie vote or not to vote at all; to abstain from voting, if
wiser To refrain from discussing a motion when presiding To be absolutely fair and impartial To extend
every courtesy to the opponent of motion even though the motion is one that the presiding officer
favors To show appreciation to officers and chairpersons of committees for devoted services. To
perform such other duties as are prescribed in this Bylaws
b.) Vice President: The Vice President acts on behalf of the President when authorized to do by the
President or in the absence of the president.
c.) Duties of Recording Secretary To keep minutes of the meeting To take the roll call and mark the
absentees at board meetings To read minutes of the previous meeting (preferably standing) to read
important correspondence (or give the gist of it), if there is only one secretary. To record the
proceedings (what is done), not the debate (what is said) To record the name of the member who
introduced a motion. It is not necessary to record the seconder To notify the committees of their
appointments and business To take charge of all documents belonging to the organization when
requested To sign official documents of the society when requested To call a meeting to order, in the
absence of the president or a vice-president, and to preside until the election of a chairperson pro term,
which should take place immediately To notify the members (at least twice) who have not paid their
d.) Duties of Corresponding Secretary: To have a list of all officers, board members, and general
membership To notify all members of meetings To conduct correspondence as directed To read
important correspondence or list of it at meetings To keep the record of all dues-paying members To
prepare the bills for payment To make provision for collection of dues at meetings To turn over all
collected money to the treasurer, giving an accurate record to the treasurer and keeping a duplicate for
himself/herself. This should be signed by the treasurer as having received such money. These records
are to be kept by both for auditing purpose To report on status of paid-up membership at regular
e.) Duties of Treasurer: To receive and bank all moneys due the organization To keep bookkeeping
records of such funds To pay wherever possible by checks To pay bills from officers and committee
members only when clearly authorized by the board and receipts for the expenditures are attached To
disburse all moneys as the Executive Committee may direct To give a statement of finances at monthly
board meetings or as often as required
Appendix II – Changes in the By-Laws
BYLAWS Revision Minutes (On 2-23-2020)
3.3.a. Powers of the Board of Directors
(To be added as 15th item to the 3.3.a)
15. A reserve fund shall be maintained in a saving account. This endowment fund shall be used wholly or
partially for a temporary period and shall be refunded as soon as possible. The president with the
approval of the board may manage this fund.
The amount is to be $42,000 which is the approximate one-year expense of the association.
Motion: Mehmet Akcay
Second: Hakan Senaltan
Adopted by 19 votes (for one year) against 18 votes (for two years).
Applicable immediately (2020)
3.3.b. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors: The responsibilities of the Board of Directors are as
Board of directors shall joint and actively involve at least three main activities (not Wednesday dinners)
and work as a volunteer. (To be added as the last paragraph to the 3.3.b)
Motion: Serap Odabas Yigit
Second: Hakan Senaltan
Adopted by 24 votes against null votes.
Applicable immediately (2020)
3.3.c. Removal of Members from the Board of Directors:
A member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office according to:
1-The requirements of Article 7; or
2- If any member of the Board of Directors misses three meetings in a year with or without prior consent
and/or a valid reason approved by the Board, or medical doctor report.
Motion: Serap Odabas-Yigit
Second: Hakan Senaltan
Adopted by 21 votes against 3 votes.
Applicable immediately (2020)
4.1 Board of Directors:
The good standing members who have their primary residence within 50 miles from the Turkish Center
at Fort
Lauderdale shall apply as a nominee for the board.
At least five nominees shall be elected from the Broward County. (Election committee shall arrange the
winners in
such a way that five of them shall be from Broward County)
(To be added as the last paragraph to the 4.1)
Motion: Hakan Senaltan
Second: Mehmet Akcay
Adopted by 17 votes against 3 votes.
Applicable to the next term (2021)
BYLAWS Revision Minutes (On 2-20-2022)